Primary Cryption*

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A proposed new way to do Extreme Encryption.
Still being analyzed by the experts.
If you choose to trust it, it may be OK for only a limited time.
Or it may be OK for quite a long time.
To be determined....

The method typically involves thousands of prime numbers, chosen from a library of more than 200 million.  How many different ways are there to do that?  Each prime is used in a simple way to rapidly generate minimally "pseudorandom" numbers.  These numbers are combined in a unique way while scrambling your data, to greatly increase the degree of randomness that any cryptanalyst will encounter.  Full details exist in the Open Source code that is downloadable with the executables (but a great many details can also be found here).

To try it out (for "Win32" environments only, so far -- but that ranges from Windows 95 to Windows XP, and WINE under Linux), first download the .zip file.  Extract the contents of that file to any directory you like.  One of the files is named "prmpress.exe".  Double-click on it to activate it; it will create the library of more than 200 million primes (compressed).  YOU WILL NEED DISK SPACE FOR THAT LIBRARY:  One of your computer's disk drives must have about 105 megabytes of space.  The library creation process generally takes less than 15 minutes on most recent personal computers, and only needs to be done once.

Next, run the program named "cryption.exe".   The library of primes must exist before this program can be run -- which is a fairly simple tool to encrypt/decrypt data files.  It will ask you to type/enter the name of a "key" file.   This can be almost any file in your computer, provided that it is longer than 8300 bytes, and you can specify it in 48 characters of typing.  For example, a Key file cannot be located in the directory
because that is too many characters.  But you can use Windows Explorer to create a C:\TMP directory, copy any file you like to it, rename it, and then type something like C:\TMP\ANYFILE.RND to specify it as the Key file.  Well, it still must be longer than 8300 bytes.  After you do that, the program will ask you if you want to delete the Key file -- if it is a copy, then why not?

Then the cryption.exe program will ask you to specify one or more files to encrypt (or decrypt).  It asks for an "extra randomizer" number, which can be anything from 0 to 9999999 (just under ten million, no commas).  It asks for a file name (again limited to 48 characters, but again you can copy and rename it if needed).  It asks if you want to Encrypt or Decrypt, and it asks if you want to delete the specified file when all work is done.  Yes, you can use "Decrypt" to actually-encrypt an initial file.

When you see the option (M)ORE/(A)CCEPT, you can either specify another file to process, or tell the cryption.exe program to process any file(s) you have already specified.  Depending on (1) how large the Key File is, (2) how big the Extra Randomizer(s) you chose (3) how many files you are processing, (4) how large are those files, and (5) the speed of your computer, the program may take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes or even hours to do its work (but seconds-to-minutes is typical).  It automatically exits when done.  Each encrypted file is longer than the original by about 150 bytes, and is given the extension ".CRP".  Files that are encrypted multiple times "look" just like singly-encrypted files and do not grow in length.  Nevertheless, the program can recognize when processing has restored a file to its original content (the added bytes are removed), and all restored files will also have their file-extensions restored.

To reverse the process for a particular scrambled file (say the 3rd), you need the same Key File, the same Extra Randomizer(s), and the same (two) predecessor-files (with .CRP extension is OK).  BE CAREFUL!  You may want to copy the predecessor files before decrypting that third file (otherwise the predecessors may become decrypted when not desired, or even unexpectedly doubly-encrypted -- although starting with the 1_1_0 Release of the program, a way exists to prevent that; see it for the details).  And you must specify the opposite encryption/decryption process, of what was originally done to that third file, of course.   It is recommended that no more than two files be processed at a time, until you become comfortable with the way to use cryption.exe -- then feel free to scramble many files at a time.  Yes, one reason this is a SourceForge project is to create a program to make it easier to keep track of encryption/decryption "key" information.  No estimate is yet available, regarding the completion date of that program.

Finally, at this time the most complete documentation available for the cryption.exe program is to be found within the source code file "cryption.c", which you may have noticed was included in the downloaded .zip file.  There are hundreds of lines of descriptive commentary there, distinct from actual code.  Just about every question you might have, about cryption.exe, should have an answer somewhere in there.  Enjoy!

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*The SourceForge and "Support this Project" logos are the property of Open Source Technology Group.
The name "Primary Cryption", especially in the mixed-up-numerals logo form presented on this page,
is reserved for use ONLY in conjunction with the "cryption" program suite
.zip file) also described on
this page, and any enhanced descendants.